
200,000 wide range RS485 with display illuminance sensor

SD2161B 200,000 wide range RS485 with display illuminance sensor

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<b>RS485 ammonia display</b>

SD2130B-NH3 RS485 ammonia display

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM6379B'>Dew point, air humidity, temperature

SM6379B Dew point, air humidity, temperature, PM1.0, PM0.5, five in one sensor monitoring sensors

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM1200B'>RS485 bus 160 point DS18B20 temperat

SM1200B-160 RS485 bus 160 point DS18B20 temperature acquisition module

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='KM1800B'>Temperature and humidity sensor</fon

KM1800B Temperature and humidity sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='KM8765B'>Stainless steel noise sensor</font><

KM8765B Stainless steel noise sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SG5090B'>SG5090B GPRS DTU data transmission m

SG5090B SG5090B GPRS DTU data transmission module

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SD8837B'>Networked color screens show small w

SD8837B Networked color screens show small weather stations

  Datasheet   Detail

<font color='SD8840B'>Color screen noise display</font>

SD8840B Color screen noise display

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SZ2801'>ZIGBEE Wireless Soil Moisture Sensor<

SZ2801 ZIGBEE Wireless Soil Moisture Sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM9533'>Stainless steel methane gas sensor</f

SM9533 Stainless steel methane gas sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SR3231C'>8-channel soil moisture recorder</fo

SR3231C 8-channel soil moisture recorder

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SR9313B'>Handheld temperature and humidity re

SR9313B Handheld temperature and humidity recorder

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM5398B'>Wind speed and direction integrated

SM5398B Wind speed and direction integrated sensor volume_up content_copy share

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM5398C'>CAN bus wind speed, wind direction,

SM5398C CAN bus wind speed, wind direction, atmospheric pressure, GPS positioning integrated sensor, construction site, shed, wea

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM6500T'>10-channel DS18B20 temperature acqui

SM6500T 10-channel DS18B20 temperature acquisition module

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SL2130'> LORA soil moisture sensor</font></b>

SL2130  LORA soil moisture sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM6375L'>Lithium battery-powered LORA wireles

SM6375L Lithium battery-powered LORA wireless temperature carbon monoxide integrated sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SR3232C'>16-channel energy-saving soil moistu

SR3232C 16-channel energy-saving soil moisture recorder

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM5060S'>Intelligent illuminance controller</

SM5060S Intelligent illuminance controller

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SM3102V'>Soil temperature and humidity sensor

SM3102V Soil temperature and humidity sensor

  Datasheet   Detail

<b>RS485 HIGH precision PT100 temperature acquisition instrum

SM1901B RS485 HIGH precision PT100 temperature acquisition instrument

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SD6787N'>Wireless tower crane wind speed alar

SD6787N Wireless tower crane wind speed alarm

  Datasheet   Detail

<b><font color='SD8263B'>Carbon dioxide, temperature and humi

SD8263B Carbon dioxide, temperature and humidity, moisture, irradiance display

  Datasheet   Detail

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